Assaults on the film set Maria Furtwängler: "Why didn't I bribe these men?"
17.11.2024 - 20:33

Maria Furtwängler's new film is about a sexual assault. Now the 58-year-old actress talks in an interview about her experiences with assaultive men on set and backstage.
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- In an interview with "Bild", Maria Furtwängler talks about her personal experiences with abusive men.
- The actress recalls moments on the film set and backstage when she felt uncomfortable and didn't react the way she would have liked to in retrospect.
- The 58-year-old also talks about the dynamic between women and the sons of her friends and says that the sons of one friend flirted with her and called her their "favorite MILF".
In the film "Until the Truth" (Wednesday, November 20, 8.15 pm, ARD), Maria Furtwängler plays a successful neurosurgeon who is raped by an acquaintance of her daughter in the pool after a boisterous beach party.
"Many women know the feeling of suddenly finding themselves in a situation in which their boundaries are overstepped," says the actress in an interview with "Bild".
The 58-year-old remembers moments on the film set when she felt uncomfortable and didn't react the way she would have liked to afterwards. "You hear people say things like 'We're the traveling people ... Don't be like that ...' and are often too perplexed to react immediately."
Today, Furtwängler wonders why she didn't immediately put these men in their place or smack them when they behaved abusively on the film set or backstage.
Sons of a friend flirted with Furtwängler
In Bild, Maria Furtwängler also talks about the dynamic between women and the sons of her friends. She talks about how a friend's sons flirted with her and called her their "favorite MILF".
At first, the actress found this charming. But over time, she realized that it made her uncomfortable. These experiences led her to think about how she herself would react in such a situation and what role friendship plays in this.
"I asked myself who my friend would stand by if she was assaulted: me or her son," says Maria Furtwängler.
The actress also wonders what it would be like if she called her friend's sons "SILF" and what reactions that might provoke.
Maria Furtwängler hopes that the film "Until the Truth" and her openness on this topic can help to raise awareness of these issues.
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