He didn't want to be next to his mother Richard Lugner had been planning his funeral for some time
Carlotta Henggeler

Lugner Richard Lugner died at the age of 91. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

It wasn't until June 2024 that Richard Lugner took the plunge into marriage for the sixth time and married Simone Reiländer. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

Richard Lugner spared no expense or treatment to keep himself vital. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

His "little bee": Richard Lugner only married his sixth wife, Simone Reiländer, in June
Image: dpa

The socialite Richard Lugner felt particularly at home in the flurry of photographers' flashbulbs. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

Richard Lugner liked to adorn himself with Hollywood celebrities at the Vienna Opera Ball - like here in 2024 with Priscilla Presley. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

91-year-old Richard Lugner and US actress Priscilla Presley seem to get on well.
Image: Max Slovencik/APA/dpa

In 2014, reality TV star Kim Kardashian accompanied the wealthy entrepreneur to the Vienna Opera Ball.
Image: imago/SKATA

In 2013, it was Italian actress diva Gina Lollobrigida.
Image: imago/SKATA

In 2008, IT girl Paris Hilton appeared at the Opera Ball in Vienna at Lugner's invitation.
Image: IMAGO/Dreamstime

Lugner Richard Lugner died at the age of 91. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

It wasn't until June 2024 that Richard Lugner took the plunge into marriage for the sixth time and married Simone Reiländer. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

Richard Lugner spared no expense or treatment to keep himself vital. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

His "little bee": Richard Lugner only married his sixth wife, Simone Reiländer, in June
Image: dpa

The socialite Richard Lugner felt particularly at home in the flurry of photographers' flashbulbs. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

Richard Lugner liked to adorn himself with Hollywood celebrities at the Vienna Opera Ball - like here in 2024 with Priscilla Presley. (archive picture)
Image: dpa

91-year-old Richard Lugner and US actress Priscilla Presley seem to get on well.
Image: Max Slovencik/APA/dpa

In 2014, reality TV star Kim Kardashian accompanied the wealthy entrepreneur to the Vienna Opera Ball.
Image: imago/SKATA

In 2013, it was Italian actress diva Gina Lollobrigida.
Image: imago/SKATA

In 2008, IT girl Paris Hilton appeared at the Opera Ball in Vienna at Lugner's invitation.
Image: IMAGO/Dreamstime
Building tycoon Richard Lugner has died at the age of 91. His heart had stopped beating. He had been suffering from health problems for some time. That's why Lugner had been planning his funeral for some time.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- Austrian construction impresario Richard Lugner has died at the age of 91.
- Just this July, Lugner underwent surgery at Vienna's AKH University Hospital due to a ruptured heart valve.
- The dazzling entrepreneur had been suffering from health problems for some time. He had therefore already planned his own funeral. Now the first details are becoming known.
It was only at the beginning of the week that news of the death of building tycoon Richard Lugner made the rounds.
He fell asleep on Sunday and his heart stopped beating at around 4 or 5 a.m., reports "Blick.ch". Lugner has had various health problems over the years, most recently undergoing surgery at Vienna University Hospital in mid-July 2024 for a tear in his heart valve.
Due to his long medical history, Richard Lugner has already meticulously planned his own funeral. The first details are now leaking out.
Lugner does not want to be buried next to his mother
The dazzling entrepreneur is said to have had a premonition. Shortly before his death, he changed his will to favor his sixth wife Simone (42).
He has also already planned his own funeral. His final resting place has already been chosen. He does not want to be buried in Vienna's Central Cemetery like his mother and aunt, according to "oe24.at".
Instead, "Mörtel" Lugner has bought two burial plots in a crypt at the Grinzinger cemetery in the Viennese district of Döbling, reports "bunte.de".
The reason? Richard Lugner could see the cemetery from his garden at home. He has also already chosen the gravestone, which is made of royal red granite. However, it will not be delivered until September. It is not yet known exactly when the entrepreneur's funeral will take place. In Austria, the deceased are usually buried five to seven days after their death.
Funeral service in the favorite church
The funeral service will not take place in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna - as first media speculated - but in his favorite church on Kaasgraben in Grinzing.
This is where Lugner wanted to be blessed by the church on his 92nd birthday. It was only in June that he entered into marriage number six with Simone Reiländer.
Not yet buried, the family is already fighting over the inheritance
Richard Lugner leaves behind a huge empire and a gigantic inheritance. But which heir or heiress will get how much of Lugner's cake? The distribution is difficult and could degenerate into a family dispute that could quickly last for years.
Because there is a lot at stake: Lugner's fortune is estimated at 250 million euros. The lion's share is held in a private foundation managed by his sons Alexander (61) and Andreas Lugner (58), according to Bild.de. The foundation structure consisting of companies, real estate, money and investments is complex.
But according to Lugner himself, he also had debts from loans that were tied up in his current investments - amounting to 40 million euros.