No one was more embarrassing in 2024 Thomas Gottschalk receives negative award for media appearances


31.12.2024 - 14:12

Thomas Gottschalk caused trouble in 2024 with controversial statements. Now he has received the receipt: This year's "Super-Günter" goes to him.
Thomas Gottschalk caused trouble in 2024 with controversial statements. Now he has received the receipt: This year's "Super-Günter" goes to him.
Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa

Thomas Gottschalk is being awarded the "Super-Günter", a prize for the biggest media embarrassment of the year, for his controversial media appearances in 2024.

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  • In 2024, Thomas Gottschalk received the "Super-Günter" award for the biggest media embarrassment of the year, mainly because of controversial statements in his book "Ungefiltert".
  • His statements about women and the alleged insult to singer Maite Kelly, which attracted widespread media attention, were particularly criticized.
  • The prize, named after ARD program director Günter Struve, has been awarded since 2008 and marks a low point in Gottschalk's media career.

Entertainer Thomas Gottschalk was awarded the "Super-Günter" for his numerous and controversial appearances in the media in 2024. This prize, awarded by the media magazine, honors the biggest media embarrassment of the year and this year fell surprisingly clearly to the 74-year-old TV presenter.

With 39.3% of the votes, Gottschalk clearly prevailed over other candidates, including ZDF, which came second. The reason for this award lies in Gottschalk's numerous interviews and statements, which he made in connection with the publication of his book "Ungefiltert". He took every opportunity to emphasize that nowadays he could no longer say anything that was critically received in the media.

Prize has been awarded since 2008

His statements in which he claimed to have touched women "purely for business" were particularly controversial. He is also said to have insulted singer Maite Kelly, which led to further negative headlines.

The "Super-Günter" is named after the former ARD program director Günter Struve and has been awarded since 2008. Last year, the prize went to RTLzwei for the planned documentary about Michael Wendler. Gottschalk now joins the list of controversial award winners.

This award represents a low point in Gottschalk's otherwise successful media career. Whether he can take the matter with humor remains to be seen.

The editor wrote this article with the help of AI.

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