"Showcase of a cosmopolitan Switzerland"77th Locarno International Film Festival opens
7.8.2024 - 23:02
17 films from all over the world are in the international competition for the Golden Leopard.
Bild: dpa
Once again, Locarno attracts visitors to the shores of Lake Maggiore: 17 films from all over the world are screening in the competition for the Golden Leopard. Thousands attend the opening.
07.08.2024, 23:02
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Culture Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider opened the Locarno Film Festival for the first time on Wednesday evening.
The 77th edition of the festival is also the first under the aegis of new President Maja Hoffmann.
The Locarno Film Festival is "a cultural signature for Ticino and Switzerland", said the Federal Councillor at the opening on Wednesday evening.
The 77th Locarno International Film Festival began this evening with the world premiere of the French historical drama "Le Déluge" ("The Flood"). Thousands of spectators attended the open-air gala on Locarno's Piazza Grande. The festival is showing 225 feature films, documentaries, short films and experimental films until August 17. In the international competition ("Concorso internazionale") for the Golden Leopard, the festival's main prize, there are 17 films from all over the world.
Minister of Culture Elisabeth Baume-Schneider during her opening speech at the Locarno Film Festival.
Bild: Keystone
Five of the films in the "Concorso internazionale" were realized with strong German participation: the feature films "Death Will Come" by German director Christoph Hochhäusler, "Transamazonia" by German director Pia Marais, "Yeni Safak Solarken" ("When the New Dawn Fades") by Turkish director Gürcan Keltek, the top-class chamber drama "The Sparrow in the Fireplace" by Swiss director Ramon Zürcher with German stars such as Maren Eggert and Luise Heyer, and the documentary "Bogancloch" by British film artist Ben Rivers.
German director Willy Hans is represented in the "Cineasti del presente" ("Filmmakers of the Present") competition for up-and-coming filmmakers with his feature film debut "Der Fleck". The youth drama set in Switzerland was financed by Swiss and German producers. The festival awards will be presented at an open-air gala on the evening of August 17.