Number of the week8.2 percent e-cars in the canton of Zug
31.8.2024 - 07:31
In no other canton in Switzerland are electric cars as popular as in Zug. Currently, 8.2 percent of cars registered there are purely electric, according to figures from the online platform Energie Reporter and Energie Schweiz and Geoimpact.
31.08.2024, 07:31
The cantons of Zurich (4.9%) and Vaud (4.1%) follow far behind, with Uri (2.6%), Neuchâtel and Glarus (2.8% each) bringing up the rear. On average, 3.9% of cars on Swiss roads are currently electric.
In recent years, new registrations and thus the proportion of e-cars in the vehicle fleet have risen continuously. However, electric cars are currently experiencing a decline in demand: between January and July of this year, 24,821 "electric cars" were newly registered, over 7% fewer than in the same period last year.