Tickets for 450 dollars Bride and groom charge entrance fee for wedding - all guests cancel

Tobias Benz


Can a wedding cost an entrance fee?
Can a wedding cost an entrance fee?
Imago/Cavan Images

A bride and groom in the USA demand 450 dollars from their wedding guests - almost as admission. All the guests decline the invitation. Now the confused groom is looking for advice on the Internet.

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  • An American bride and groom wanted to sell tickets for their own wedding to friends and family. The cost: 450 dollars.
  • All 125 guests declined the invitation.
  • The groom is surprised and asks for advice on the Internet.
  • A second US couple were able to sell 60 tickets for their own wedding among friends.

From the wedding dress and decorations to the banquet - the perfect wedding can quickly cost tens of thousands of francs. A bride and groom from Houston, USA, realized this and quickly charged their invited guests 450 dollars for a "ticket" to the wedding.

On Tiktok, groom Hassan Ahmed is now surprised that all 125 guests sent him a refusal. "Everyone we invited declined the invitation," says the 23-year-old and wonders why none of his friends and family are prepared to pay 450 dollars for his and his fiancée's wedding.

"We've already ordered the cake, paid an advance for the wedding venue and bought the dress. We've already spent almost 200,000 dollars on this wedding," Hassan says in a video. Now he and his fiancée have not received a single confirmation. He therefore asks on social media: "Are we wrong to ask for money for our wedding?"

Is "entrance fee" becoming the new wedding trend?

The groom explains the decision for the 450 dollar "entrance fee" with the high costs involved: "A wedding like this is not cheap. You pay 1,000 dollars for Beyoncé or Chris Brown concert tickets, but when you're invited to a wedding with friends and family, you can't afford the ticket? I don't understand that."

According to a study, a wedding in the USA in 2023 cost an average of around 35,000 dollars - in Switzerland, it is estimated to be between 25,000 and 50,000 francs. TheNew York Times, which picked up on Hassan's video, is trying to identify a new trend. Could it soon be normal for weddings to charge guests for a "ticket" as prices continue to rise?

The newspaper also reports on a second US couple who also asked guests to pay. For 333 dollars, they were given a double-decker bus tour of New York City in addition to a reception and meal. The illustrious wedding party was driven to New York landmarks that were significant to the couple's love story. For example, they stopped at Hudson Yards, where the 31-year-old groom had proposed.

The couple from New York had better luck with the wedding tickets than Hassan and his fiancée. They were able to sell all their seats. They had actually only set the "admission price" because there was only room for 60 of the 350 people invited on the double-decker bus. In the end, the bus and wedding were "fully booked", even though some of the guests were "shocked" by the expensive invitation.