MediaBroad rejection of fee reduction by ordinance
19.6.2024 - 16:33
There is widespread opposition to the reduction in broadcasting fees. They are particularly upset about the reduction by ordinance. SRG expressed its willingness to campaign against the halving initiative.
19.06.2024, 16:33
The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SRG) announced on Wednesday that it welcomed the Federal Council's clear stance against the "200 francs is enough" initiative (halving initiative) by the SVP, Jungfreisinn and the trade association. It took note of the decision to reduce the fee.
As with the "No Billag" rejection, the SRG is once again prepared to demonstrate the value it brings to society with its audiovisual public service.
It had already pointed out the consequences of a fee reduction during the consultation process: A reduction in revenue of around CHF 240 million, the loss of around 900 jobs, a reduction in sports coverage of major events, less support for Swiss films and series and fewer broadcasts of cultural events.