Central Switzerland Canton Uri wants to provide more financial support for music schools in future


2.7.2024 - 14:03

The canton of Uri wants to pay higher contributions to music schools in future. (symbolic image)
The canton of Uri wants to pay higher contributions to music schools in future. (symbolic image)

As part of the revision of the music school ordinance, the Uri government wants to pay higher contributions to the Uri music school in future. It is expecting additional expenditure of 88,000 francs per year.


This will allow the music school to keep its tuition fees stable and at the same time introduce a fair pricing system, the Department of Education and Culture wrote in a press release on Tuesday. The offers for the promotion of talented musicians are also to be supported.

The revision also includes "no far-reaching interventions" in the current system of voluntary music lessons at elementary school, it continued. In terms of organization and personnel, the revision will have no effect on the canton and municipalities.

The government submitted the revised ordinance for consultation on Tuesday. This will run until September 26. The business can be dealt with by the cantonal parliament in the February session at the earliest. The ordinance is expected to come into force on August 1, 2025.