Friends discover body in MarseilleEx-RTS correspondent found dead on roof terrace
Dominik Müller
Marine Vlahovic also assessed the situation in the Middle East for the French-speaking Swiss television station RTS.
Screenshot RTS
The body of Marine Vlahovic was discovered by her friends on her roof terrace in Marseille on Monday. The Middle East expert also worked as a correspondent for RTS.
29.11.2024, 10:09
29.11.2024, 13:11
Dominik Müller
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Marine Vlahovic has been found dead.
The French journalist and Middle East expert also worked for RTS.
French journalist and Middle East expert Marine Vlahovic has died at the age of 39. Her lifeless body was discovered on the roof terrace of her house in Marseille on Monday, reports "La Provence".
Because Vlahovic did not come forward, colleagues were worried and went to look for her. They were the ones who found the woman's lifeless body. The police have launched an investigation to determine the causes of her death. At present, the police do not believe that a crime has been committed.
Marine Vlahovic has made a name for herself as an expert on the Middle East. She has worked for RTS, Le Soir, RFI, Radio France and Libération, among others.