Unusual police operationGoose breaks into apartment and causes chaos in the kitchen
Dominik Müller
Canada goose Lukas after his arrest.
Polizeidirektion Kiel
A goose has strayed into an apartment in the German port city of Kiel. After initial difficulties, the police were able to release the animal back into the wild unharmed.
26.08.2024, 14:43
Dominik Müller
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The Kiel police were called out on Saturday because of a goose in an apartment.
The animal left a mess in the kitchen, but could be returned to its natural environment.
It was an unusual operation for which the officers from Kiel's 2nd police district were called out on Saturday evening: A goose had strayed into an apartment in the city center on the German Baltic coast.
According to the police report, the emergency services were surprised when they found the goose wandering around an apartment at around 9 pm. The Canada goose had made itself comfortable in the kitchen without any invitation and inspected the culinary offerings.
No pot was left unturned. During the short but exciting and ultimately successful chase through the apartment, the animal proved to be amazingly agile.
A police officer managed to carefully catch the animal and wrap it in a blanket. The goose was released safely into its natural environment and given the name Lukas.
Meanwhile, the tenants took the unexpected goose dinner with humor. Or as the police report puts it: "You can now show off this animal story at the next neighborhood meeting."