In the Russian region of Kursk, mysterious concrete obstacles, known as "dragon's teeth", are causing fatal accidents among soldiers and civilians. These obstacles are placed on roads overnight, causing serious accidents to vehicles traveling at high speed.
According to reports, 40 people were killed within 24 hours and just as many were injured. It is suspected that these were acts of sabotage, possibly by pro-Ukrainian partisans, reports "Forbes". Those responsible for setting up the dragon's teeth are still unknown.
According to Russian sources, the obstacles were discovered on busy roads where soldiers were trying to escape attacks by Ukrainian drones. Soldiers on the ground have expressed frustration at the growing losses caused by these "dragon's teeth", which have already caused more damage than the enemy drone attacks.
Exact background unclear
Security measures appear to be failing, as after the obstacles were removed, they reappeared the next day, causing further casualties.
The dragon's teeth, which were originally developed as tank obstacles during the Second World War, are made of solid concrete and are almost a meter high. They are used by both Russian and Ukrainian troops to stop the advance of enemy vehicles.
The exact background to the incidents remains unclear. Some sources suspect that these acts of sabotage are being carried out deliberately by pro-Ukrainian groups. However, official statements from the Russian or Ukrainian side are still pending.