WolfGraubünden wants to shoot two thirds of all young wolves
15.8.2024 - 09:02
The canton of Graubünden wants to shoot two thirds of all young wolves in the fall and winter. (symbolic image)
The canton of Graubünden wants to shoot two thirds of all this year's young wolves. In addition, two wolf packs are to be completely wiped out. The canton has submitted a corresponding application to the federal government.
15.08.2024, 09:02
The wolves are to be shot during the legal regulation period from September 1 to January 31, 2025, as announced by the Office for Hunting and Fishing, the wildlife authority, on Thursday. The aim of these shootings is to reduce conflicts with agriculture and increase shyness towards humans. The wolf population should not be endangered in the process.
According to the office, the number of wolves in Graubünden has also increased this year, particularly in the previously pack-free areas. Twelve packs are currently confirmed. The wildlife authority assumes that more packs will be added over the course of the summer.