Pension fund reformWomen's Alliance promotes occupational pension reform
4.7.2024 - 10:30
On Thursday in Bern, a women's alliance campaigned for a Yes to the reform of occupational pension provision. Overall, four times more women would receive a higher pension than a lower one. 359,000 people benefited - 275,000 of them women.
04.07.2024, 10:30
In addition to representatives of the GLP, EVP, Center Party, FDP and SVP, the Green Party's Maya Graf is also part of the alliance. At a media conference, the member of the Council of States from Basel described the reform as a "milestone for women". The adjustment of the coordination deduction closes a massive pension gap for part-time employees and those on low incomes, she was quoted as saying in a press release.
The background to this is that more women will be able to insure their salaries in the second pillar in future. The Women's Alliance bases its statements on a study commissioned by the umbrella organization Alliance F. This clearly shows that women are the big winners of the BVG reform, said Kathrin Bertschy, Bernese GLP National Councillor and Co-President of Alliance F.
Voters will decide on the bill on September 22. The left is fighting the reform with a referendum. It argues that the bill would require more to be paid into the second pillar, but the pension would still be lower. For women, the bill is a deceptive package, as it does not eliminate the disadvantages they face due to career breaks and the unequal distribution of unpaid work.