"Be careful!" Italian man films typhoon that causes power line to burst into sparks

Nicole Agostini


A video shows how the fuse blows on an electricity pylon. Sparks fly violently. An Italian man films the whole thing, panics and warns his neighbors about the short circuit.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Last Wednesday, tropical storm Trami hit the Philippines.
  • The typhoon has currently claimed 82 lives.
  • Thousands of people had to be housed in emergency shelters.

Tropical storm Trami has been raging in the Philippines for days. Authorities have reported 82 deaths. Thousands of people are seeking refuge in emergency shelters.

In the video, you can see how an electricity pylon next to a residential building starts to spark while it is raining. After the short circuit, the neighborhood has no more electricity.

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