Masca Gorge in TenerifePopular tourist attraction now charges admission
Stéphanie Süess
The popular mountain village of Masca and the gorge in the Teno Mountains on the Canary Island of Tenerife.
Bild: IMAGO/Peter Schickert
If you want to hike through the Masca Gorge on the Canary Island of Tenerife, you can no longer do so for free. To stop them being overwhelmed with visitors, the authorities are charging an entry fee.
19.07.2024, 00:00
19.07.2024, 08:24
Stéphanie Süess
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The Masca Gorge is one of the most beautiful places on the Canary Island of Tenerife and is heavily overrun by tourists.
The authorities had to intervene - now an access fee and compulsory registration will apply from Friday, July 19, 2024.
The profit from the fee is to be reinvested in the care of the environment.
The romantic Masca Gorge on the Canary Island of Tenerife is one of the most popular tourist attractions. However, the region is now suffering from the excesses of mass tourism. A fee is to provide a remedy.
As "Tenerife News" reports, from Friday, July 19, 2024, visitors will have to register via an online link and pay an entrance fee of 30 euros. The profit from this fee will then be fully reinvested in the care of the environment.
Residents of Tenerife can visit for free, residents of other Canary Islands pay three euros.
In addition, access to the mountain village will be limited to 275 people per day. On the one hand, this is intended to regulate the crowds in the small village - on the other hand, it will better protect the environment.
The popular Masca Gorge in Tenerife is notorious. Accidents happen there time and time again. The reason is usually poor preparation and the wrong clothing.