Cantonal Council SO No to publication of all Solothurn government council decisions


25.6.2024 - 12:36

The non-public decisions of the Solothurn cantonal government council should not generally be published in future either, not even anonymously. (Archive image)
The non-public decisions of the Solothurn cantonal government council should not generally be published in future either, not even anonymously. (Archive image)

The non-public decisions of the Solothurn government should not generally be published anonymously. On Tuesday, the cantonal parliament rejected a corresponding motion from the SVP parliamentary group, which called for more transparency.


With 74 votes against and 21 in favor, the cantonal council declared the request to be irrelevant. Former cantonal councillor Rémy Wyssmann (SVP), who has since been elected to the National Council, was the first signatory to demand that all government council decisions be published retrospectively for ten years.

It was not understandable that the cantonal government could not publish all decisions - as the Supreme Court has done with all rulings since 2016. As with the court rulings, the government council rulings should also be anonymized beforehand, the submitters of the request demanded.

In its statement, the government calculated that 8,000 documents would have to be processed for the last ten years alone, which would involve disproportionate effort. Moreover, various commissions already have access to the documents, which is why transparency is sufficient.

This opinion was also expressed by the majority of speakers in the Cantonal Council on Tuesday. Anna Engeler (Greens) said that Wyssmann was placing the government council "under general suspicion". The majority of decisions are already published today.