Confusion at the top of Swiss PostRösti says thank you - Cirillo leaves at the end of March
Sven Ziegler
Swiss Post CEO Roberto Cirillo emphasized that Swiss Post must adapt to customer needs.
Swiss Post CEO Roberto Cirillo is apparently stepping down. This was reported by SRF on the basis of several sources. Swiss Post confirmed the news in the afternoon.
17.01.2025, 12:06
17.01.2025, 13:28
Sven Ziegler
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Swiss Post CEO Roberto Cirillo is stepping down after six years in office.
After six years at the helm of Swiss Post, it's over. Roberto Cirillo is stepping down as CEO. This was reported by SRF, citing several independent sources. Swiss Post has now confirmed the resignation.
Cirillo will therefore be leaving the company at the end of March. "I had the opportunity to lead one of the most important institutions in our country for six years and to develop it from the crisis of confidence at the time into the future," Cirillo is quoted as saying in a statement.
He added: "The time is now ripe to hand over the solid and sustainable Swiss Post to a new generation."
Nach 6 Jahren verlässt Roberto Cirillo die Spitze der Schweizerischen Post. Mit der Strategie «Post von morgen» hat er auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen reagiert und das Fundament für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft gelegt. BR Rösti und das UVEK danken ihm für die Zusammenarbeit.
The responsible Federal Councillor Albert Rösti has already bid farewell to Cirillo. "After six years, Roberto Cirillo is leaving the helm of Swiss Post. With the Swiss Post of tomorrow strategy, he has responded to the current challenges and laid the foundations for a successful future," it says on the DETEC X-channel. "Federal Councillor Rösti and DETEC would like to thank him for his cooperation."
Cirillo's main focus last year was on the downsizing of the branch network. In May 2024, he announced that 170 of the 800 branches were to disappear.