Five-figure sumFederal government pays first compensation for coronavirus vaccination damage
Dominik Müller
Health Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider has approved an application for compensation for the first time.
The first compensation payment for coronavirus vaccination damage has been approved in Switzerland. Federal Councillor Baume-Schneider awards one person 13,860 francs.
29.09.2024, 08:36
Dominik Müller
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The federal government has approved the first application for compensation for coronavirus vaccination damage.
The person concerned has received 13,860 francs.
A further 50 applications are currently being examined.
The largest vaccination campaign in Swiss history has made a significant contribution to getting the coronavirus pandemic under control. However, it also resulted in vaccine damage.
Health Minister Elisabeth Baume-Schneider has now approved the first compensation payment due to coronavirus vaccination damage, as reported by Blick. "So far, one application has been approved," confirmed the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) at the newspaper's request. The person concerned has been granted compensation of CHF 12,500 and the requested compensation of CHF 1,360.
The compensation relates to loss of earnings, which must be proven. The compensation is a kind of compensation for pain and suffering.
The FDHA has received 320 applications to date, of which 50 are currently pending. According to the FDHA, compensation would only be awarded if a "causal link between the health impairments and the vaccination" can be proven.