Against "capitalist urban gentrification"Left-wing activists occupy Zurich barracks meadow
20.9.2024 - 19:02
Occupied and cordoned off with partitions: The Kasernenwiese in Zurich on Friday evening.
Bild: Keystone
Left-wing activists occupied the Kasernenwiese in the city of Zurich on Friday evening. The action is directed against what they see as "capitalist urban gentrification".
20.09.2024, 19:02
20.09.2024, 21:19
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A left-wing group took over the Kasernenwiese in the city of Zurich on Friday evening.
The action is directed against what they see as "capitalist urban gentrification".
The group, which calls itself "Kreis 13", cordoned off the area with partitions and plastic tarpaulins.
The group, which calls itself "Kreis 13", has cordoned off the site with partitions and plastic tarpaulins. The squatters announced in a communiqué on Friday evening that they intended to stay for the whole weekend. The program includes film screenings and concerts. The police were on site, but initially kept a low profile.
The activists wrote that they had "self-determinedly taken the Kasernenwiese" to show that a different city was possible. Zurich is a contested field, and capitalist urban gentrification would maintain the prevailing power relations with patriarchal and colonial structures.