Roll of stickers sent by mistake Migros customer can now redeem hundreds of Playmobil sets

Oliver Kohlmaier


A Migros promotion has sparked a collecting frenzy among customers.
A Migros promotion has sparked a collecting frenzy among customers.

There's no end to the Playmobil drama: ever since the collecting frenzy for the Migros sets broke out, there's been a run on the stickers. One customer has now received thousands of stickers for one purchase - and is annoyed.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The Playmobil-Mania collection campaign by retailer Migros continues to make waves: A customer received thousands of stickers for a moderately high online purchase.
  • According to the customer, this is not an isolated case, but Migros takes a different view.
  • The customer contacted Migros and, after some back and forth, accepted the offer of a CHF 50 shopping voucher in return for returning the stickers.

The current "Playmobil-Mania" collection campaign at the retailer Migros continues to spread. As blue News reported, all sets were offered at a total price of 500 francs shortly after the start of the campaign .

Customers receive a sticker for 20 francs worth of goods when they make a purchase at Migros. This means that anyone who buys the sets through the designated channels will have to fork out 2,000 francs. Even families can't manage that quickly.

But apparently enough people want the Playmobil sets that there is a real run on the stickers. Because the promotion only lasts 40 days.

500 francs at Ricardo

That's why stick-on collector's books and even individual stickers are being offered on Ricardo. One customer was all the more surprised when she received the same number of complete packs for an online purchase of just 160 francs instead of the eight stickers she had intended. The customer finally stopped counting and estimated that the pack contained around 4,000 stickers.

"There's a Playmobil head on one of these packs, so Migros online employees probably thought it contained a Playmobil figure and didn't understand the sticker campaign," she told 20 Minuten.

"I'm just too honest"

According to the customer, she was not the only one who received masses of stickers for Playmobil-Mania. But instead of making a killing, the customer contacted Migros directly: "I'm just too honest to want to profit from this."

But she was taken aback by the answer: The service employee informed her that it had been an "astonishing mistake" and offered the customer a shopping voucher worth 20 francs.

This offer annoyed the customer, whereupon Migros held out the prospect of a further 10 francs - this time, too, she refused. "I would have expected better in return for my honest behavior. After all, I could use the stickers to cover a village with Playmobil at Migros' expense," she told "20 Minuten".

Migros speaks of an isolated case

After a final offer of 50 francs and the remark "We thought honesty was free", the customer finally accepted. Nevertheless, she found this cheeky, as an honest finder is usually given an appropriately high finder's fee.

Migros finally announced that the incident was an isolated case: "Our investigations have shown that this mishap is an exception."

Thanks to the customer's honesty, the mistake was discovered immediately, which is why the gesture was greatly appreciated - "hence the gift".