Saving hammer in BernSwiss army only wants to distribute Tenue A to a few
Dominik Müller
In future, the uniform will no longer be issued to all members of the armed forces.
In future, members of the Swiss Armed Forces will only receive their home uniform if they need the so-called Tenue A for representation purposes. The army wants to save millions in this way.
07.01.2025, 14:44
07.01.2025, 14:50
Dominik Müller
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The DDPS presented new cost-saving measures on January 7.
Tenue A will now only be issued to members of the armed forces who need it for representational purposes.
In addition, 3 percent of personnel costs are to be cut.
In order to save money, the Swiss Armed Forces will now only issue the uniform on demand.
"In future, only those members of the armed forces who need it for representational purposes will be issued with the uniform," writes the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) in a press release.
The issue of the so-called Tenue A to all members of the armed forces currently leads to an annual recurring equipment and renewal requirement of CHF 5.2 million.
Savings potential of up to 55 million francs
If the issue is only made on a needs-oriented basis to those who perform representational duties, up to 55 million francs can be saved by 2035. These funds are to be used to strengthen defense capabilities.
In addition, Federal Councillor Viola Amherd's department wants to save up to three percent of personnel costs by 2030 - a maximum of around 210 million francs. These savings will be made possible by reducing the number of jobs through ordinary retirements. "No redundancies are planned," emphasizes the DDPS.
The implementation of the savings in subsequent years must still be coordinated with the Federal Council's decisions regarding the tasks and subsidy review of the Confederation.