Immensee SZUnknown persons set speed camera on the A4 on fire
Dominik Müller
The destroyed speed camera on the A4.
Kantonspolizei Schwyz
During the night from Thursday to Friday, a mobile speed camera belonging to the Schwyz cantonal police was damaged. The damage amounts to several thousand francs.
30.08.2024, 11:00
30.08.2024, 11:51
Dominik Müller
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A speed camera was damaged in Immensee SZ on Friday night.
The police are looking for witnesses who can provide information about the unknown perpetrators.
Shortly after midnight on Friday, several people reported to the Schwyz cantonal police operations center that a speed camera placed on the A4 freeway in Immensee SZ was on fire. This was reported by the Schwyz cantonal police in a press release.
According to the statement, the Küssnacht fire department, which was called out immediately, and the police patrol on site did not discover a fire, but did discover the severely damaged measuring system. In addition to the damaged viewing windows of the camera, two access flaps had been broken open and a control element inside had been set on fire.
So far, there are no clues as to the perpetrators. The police are looking for witnesses who can provide information about the incident.