Urinal at Bürkliplatz Zurich municipal council backs standing urinals


10.7.2024 - 18:55

The city council wants to demolish the old urinal at Bürkliplatz - this was not without controversy in the municipal council.
The city council wants to demolish the old urinal at Bürkliplatz - this was not without controversy in the municipal council.

At its meeting on Wednesday, Zurich City Council also discussed the urinal building at Bürkliplatz. The city council wants to demolish the gray building - the municipal council is against it.


No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Zurich's municipal council voted 77 to 35 in favor of preserving the urinal building at Bürkliplatz.
  • The city council, on the other hand, wanted the urinal to be demolished.
  • The redesign of the Stadthaus complex itself was completely undisputed in the debate.
  • The municipal council approved the requested credit of CHF 12.9 million by 112 votes to 0.

The gray urinal at Zurich's Bürkliplatz is now to remain as part of the redesign of the Stadthaus complex: On Wednesday evening, the municipal council passed a corresponding postulate, which should also benefit people who pee.

The redesign of the Stadthaus complex itself was completely undisputed in the debate. The municipal council approved the requested credit of CHF 12.9 million by 112 votes to 0.

However, the fact that the city council wanted to demolish the urinal building was incomprehensible to a majority. They voted 77 to 35 in favor of retaining it.

The FDP and GLP postulate stated that a urinal excluded half of the population. However, sitting urinators would also have to wait less if a separate urinal was available for standing urinators. The majority also feared that if the urinal was removed without replacement, the number of people peeing would increase.