"The reality is what it is"Zurich wants to legalize long-street prostitution
Lea Oetiker
A bright women's advertisement of the Roland Cinema, taken on Thursday, November 14, 2013 in Zurich. (KEYSTONE/Ennio Leanza)
The Zurich municipal council decided on Wednesday with a clear majority: Street prostitution on Zurich's Langstrasse is to be legalized. Not all politicians are in favor of this.
16.01.2025, 09:26
16.01.2025, 09:35
Lea Oetiker
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Street prostitution on Zurich's Langstrasse was previously illegal. Now it is to be legalized.
This was decided by Zurich's municipal council on Wednesday.
Most parties voted for a clear yes. The GLP was divided and the SVP was clearly against the proposal.
Street prostitution on Zurich's Langstrasse was previously illegal, but is now to be legalized. This was decided by the municipal council on Wednesday - with 88 votes in favor and 20 against. It was a proposal by the SP, Center, EVP, AL and Greens. According to the majority, legality is better for women.
Anna Graf from the SP said that it was a fact of life that there would be procurements on Langstrasse. "You have to accept that." However, because street prostitution is not legal, this has negative consequences for the women. For example, they have to make contact with clients off the streets, which is more dangerous than directly on the street, writes the SDA news agency.
Preventing violence and health care is also more difficult in an illegal street. "And last but not least, police resources are wasted because the women are constantly being reported and punished," says Graff.
Protective measures must be strengthened
The FDP also came to the conclusion: "The reality is what it is." However, it was important to them that the needs of the neighborhood were taken into account. The experience with the former street prostitution on Sihlquai and Strichplatz in Altstetten should also be taken into account.
The GLP says that legalization should also be accompanied by increased protective measures and exit offers. "Liberalization yes, but it needs support," said Serap Kahriman. You can't pretend that this is a normal job. The majority of women are exploited.
The Greens had mixed feelings about legal street prostitution. Markus Knauss, for example, was against it. "With a Langstrasse that is officially considered a street prostitution site, even more unpleasant men will come," he explained, adding that this would lead to female passers-by becoming fair game and the residents of the district being even more inconvenienced.
SVP clearly against
Only the SVP parliamentary group was completely against it. "You want to make something illegal legal now," said Stephan Iten. Then you might as well introduce a legal drug consumption zone. After all, drugs are consumed anyway.
In addition, the street prostitution on Sihlquai had been closed down because the conditions were untenable. "I feel sorry for the women who have to stand around outside scantily clad in weather like today," he said.