BL District CouncilThe Green Party's Peter Hartmann becomes the new president of the Basel district council
27.6.2024 - 11:35
Peter Hartmann (Greens) was elected President of Basel-Landschaft's district council for the 2024/2025 term of office on Thursday with 78 votes. The presidency of the government will also fall to the Greens in the upcoming year of office: Isaac Reber will take over the presidency for the third time since his election to the government.
27.06.2024, 11:35
The 54-year-old Hartmann comes from Muttenz and is a cultural engineer. He was elected to the district council in 2019. Hartmann succeeds Pascal Ryf (center), who will remain in office as "Basel's highest-ranking citizen" until 30 June.
"Major challenges await us in healthcare, education and other areas," said Hartmann after his election. It is important to conduct these debates with respect and to think about the well-being of the population, continued the newly elected president of the cantonal council. Reto Tschudin (SVP) will be the first Vice-President in the coming year of office, Andreas Dürr (FDP) the second Vice-President.
Construction and Environmental Protection Director Reber, who has been a member of the Baselbieter executive since 2011, was elected to the presidency with 72 votes. He will hold this office for one year on July 1. Finance Director Anton Lauber (center) will take over as Vice-President for this period.