Openair Gampel: The conclusion 2023 Head of media: "The festival works, but it's a struggle every year"

Fabian Tschamper


Openair Gampel 2023 is history. Head of Media Olivier Imboden draws a positive balance. The heat didn't cause any problems, but recently a virus caused an intestinal alarm at the festival.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • Openair Gampel will take place from August 17 to 20, 2023 in Gampel VS.
  • The good news for all music fans who can't make the pilgrimage to Valais this time: blue Music will be broadcasting the best live concerts.
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100,000 visitors attended Openair Gampel 2023. The organizers are satisfied with this figure, says media manager Olivier Imboden to blue Music.

And was the festival financially worthwhile? Imboden: "The festival works, also financially. But it's a struggle every year for a festival of this size with an 8-million-euro budget to generate any income at all in one weekend. We have a very blatant budget accuracy."

The high temperatures of up to 34 degrees did not cause any major problems. Most recently, an intestinal virus caused a few cases of illness on the site. The organizers have issued a statement about this. There were no more serious medical emergencies.

Head of media is very satisfied

"Fantastic and brutally hot" is how media manager Olivier Imboden summed up Openair Gampel 2023. His highlight? The concert by dancehall singer Peter Fox on Saturday evening with around 60 people on stage. A mix of musicians, dancers and a few festival visitors. Never seen before at Gampel.

Current live program from Gampel on blue Zoom*

  • August 17: Nova Twins, 9:50 pm, 10:10 pm; Cypress Hill, 11 pm
  • August 18: Ayliva, 10:45 p.m.
  • August 19: Years & Years, 8:05 p.m.; Hecht, 9:15 p.m.
  • August 20: Stefanie Heinzmann, 6:35 p.m.

*Subject to changes.

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