Gummilove at the Openair Frauenfeld Sex at a festival - yes or no?

Vanessa Büchel


While for some it is clear that sex is part of the festival experience, others find it rather unappetizing. blue Music asked around at Openair Frauenfeld and talked to Gummilove about condoms.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • If you have sex at the festival, you should think about contraception.
  • The Gummilove stand distributes condoms at Openair Frauenfeld and provides information about the right sizes.
  • You can see in the video whether visitors have already had a tryst in the tent.

Opinions differ when it comes to sex at Openair Frauenfeld. For some, it's a definite yes, while others shake their heads. Most people want to think about contraception, but some admit that safety has sometimes been forgotten during sex at the festival.

The Gummilove stand wants to change that and distributes condoms, provides information about contraception and gives advice on size. "The question often arises as to which size of condom is the right one or what the differences are," says Bas Keuning, Gummilove employee, to blue Music host Bettina Bestgen. Many people don't know that there are different sizes of condoms.

At the Gummilove stand, there are three different sizes, which differ in diameter and not length, as many would mistakenly believe. "If someone doesn't know their size, we give them a set of three to try on," says Bas. Because: "Trying on condoms is like trying on shoes - they shouldn't pinch and should just fit."

Watch the video to find out what visitors to Openair Frauenfeld think about sex at the festival and how Gummilove provides information about safer sex.

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