Mallorca emigrants are back Gabor now bakes bread at Coop
13.1.2025 - 09:26

After a challenging time on Mallorca, SRF emigrant Gabor returns to Switzerland and finds a new professional home in a Coop store.
No time? blue News summarizes for you
- Gabor Balogh and Otmar Gemperli gave up their restaurant in Mallorca and returned to Switzerland after a period of intense work and homesickness, where they now feel at home in stable working conditions.
- Their relationship broke up during their time on the island, but both have found new partners and reflect positively on the instructive experience.
- Both emphasize that Mallorca is beautiful as a vacation destination, but unsuitable for permanent living, and now appreciate the social environment and security in Switzerland.
After an intensive phase on Mallorca, which was accompanied by SRF in the program "Auf und davon", Gabor Balogh and Otmar Gemperli are back in Switzerland. The two had taken over a restaurant on the Spanish island, but the dream of owning their own restaurant proved to be more difficult than expected. Despite the success of the restaurant, they never really felt at home and eventually returned to their old homeland.
Gabor, who now bakes bread rolls at Coop, appreciates the regular working hours in Switzerland. He describes the time on Mallorca as exhausting, as they worked almost around the clock.
When he returned to Switzerland, he realized that he was in better hands here. Otmar, who now works at Confiserie Bachmann in Lucerne, also missed Switzerland and feels at home here.
Happy to be in a stable environment
The couple's relationship did not survive the challenges on Mallorca. They are no longer a couple, but have both found new partners. Otmar even got married. Despite the separation, there is no bad blood between them. Both look back on their time on Mallorca as an instructive experience that helped them to reorganize their priorities.
Otmar reflects on his time on the island and realizes that he missed his family and his social environment. He describes Mallorca as a nice place for a vacation, but not for living. This realization has helped him to appreciate his place in Switzerland. Gabor shares this view and is happy to be back in an environment that offers him stability.
Gabor and Otmar have now found their way again in Switzerland - Mallorca has shown them what their wishes and needs are. Instead of abroad, they have found happiness at home.
The editor wrote this article with the help of AI.