Nasa is alarmed A newly discovered asteroid could hit the Earth in 2032

Andreas Fischer


An asteroid will come so close to Earth at the end of 2032 that Nasa classifies it as the most dangerous celestial body at present.
An asteroid will come so close to Earth at the end of 2032 that Nasa classifies it as the most dangerous celestial body at present.

With a probability of 1:83, a newly discovered asteroid will hit the Earth in 2032. Nasa has placed the celestial body at the top of a list of hazards.

No time? blue News summarizes for you

  • The asteroid 2024YR4 is currently considered the most dangerous celestial body.
  • The lump, which is around 60 meters in diameter, was only discovered a few weeks ago.
  • The probability of it hitting the Earth in 2032 is higher than for any other asteroid.

The risk has not been higher for a long time: the asteroid 2024YR4 was only discovered a few weeks ago by a telescope in Chile. Now the celestial body tops a NASA list of the most dangerous celestial bodies at the moment, reports the astronomy portal "Space".

The probability of the asteroid hitting the Earth is comparatively high. Nasa puts it at 1:83. An impact would therefore be most likely at the end of December 2032. Areas potentially at risk include South America, the Atlantic, Central Africa, the Indian Ocean and South Asia.

Direct hit possible

With an estimated diameter of 60 meters, 2024YR4 has the potential to cause major damage, at least locally. According to NASA's Center for Near-Earth Objects, the asteroid is estimated to come within 106,200 kilometers of Earth on 22 December 2032. By comparison, the moon is 384,000 kilometers away from Earth.

If the uncertainties of the asteroid's orbit are taken into account, the approach could also turn out to be a direct hit in just under eight years, according to NASA. However, the scientists also point out that the currently calculated impact probability also means that 2024YR4 has an almost 99% probability of not hitting the Earth.

Huge explosion or enormous crater

Scientists now want to find out as much as possible about the asteroid. After all, its composition and size determine what consequences an impact could have.

If the celestial body is made of rocky material, it could cause a huge explosion in the atmosphere and a fireball that reaches the ground. If it is made of iron, it would pass smoothly through the atmosphere and create an enormous impact crater.