Cantonal financesCanton of Bern budgets surplus and wants to cut taxes
22.8.2024 - 10:05
Bern's finance director Astrid Bärtschi. The canton wants to implement its tax strategy step by step. (archive image)
The Bernese cantonal government is expecting a surplus of CHF 246 million in 2025. This was announced by Finance Director Astrid Bärtschi (center) on Thursday at the presentation of the CHF 13 billion budget.
22.08.2024, 10:05
The canton of Bern intends to implement its tax strategy step by step. In terms of the tax burden for individuals and legal entities, it wants to move towards the middle of the cantons.
The canton had already reduced taxes for legal entities at the start of 2024. In the 2025 budget, it is now planning to reduce taxes for natural persons as well.
The canton intends to reduce debt between 2026 and 2028.
The Bernese financial budget is in balance despite the planned tax cuts and record-high investments, it added.