National economy Confidence in the pension system has increased


26.9.2024 - 09:04

The confidence of the Swiss population in the Swiss pension system has increased. This was also due to the votes on the AHV reform. (symbolic image)
The confidence of the Swiss population in the Swiss pension system has increased. This was also due to the votes on the AHV reform. (symbolic image)

Compared to the previous year, the population has regained more confidence in the Swiss pension system. According to the "Raiffeisen Pension Barometer", this is also thanks to the vote on the AHV reform.


"In the course of the vote on the 13th AHV pension, the Swiss population has become more informed about the topic and has developed more trust in the pension system," Raiffeisen announced at a media conference on Thursday.

More confidence

Specifically, the overall barometer score has increased by 46 points compared to 2023 and now stands at 660 points. Four indicators are evaluated: the survey determines "commitment", "knowledge" and "trust" in relation to the pension system. Together with a technical assessment of the fourth indicator "Economic result" by the Raiffeisen experts, this results in the overall barometer score.

"The 'trust' indicator has increased the most," it continues. The Raiffeisen economists attribute this to the adoption of the 13th AHV pension, which has strengthened older people's confidence in the AHV in particular.

Specifically, 22% of 18 to 65-year-olds stated that they have a high or even very high level of trust in the AHV. In the previous year, this figure was only 17 percent.

Knowledge about the pension system has also developed positively as a result of the public's engagement with the referendum proposals: "People have engaged more intensively with pension issues as a result," said Roland Altwegg, Head of Products & Investment Services at Raiffeisen.

Proof of personal responsibility

Jürg Portmann, Co-Head of the Risk & Insurance Institute at the ZHAW, which compiles the pension barometer together with Raiffeisen, said that people are not only concerned with the topic of pensions, but are also taking action. This can be seen in the younger generation in particular.

"Never before have so many young people had a pillar 3a", states Portmann. Specifically, 61% of 18 to 30-year-olds now have a pillar 3a. Last year, the figure was only 54%. The younger generation is making more voluntary contributions and demonstrating personal responsibility by expanding their private pension provision.

Another positive aspect is that the economic situation of the pension systems is also developing positively. Although the AHV's pay-as-you-go result fell by around a quarter compared to the previous year, the positive investment result of the AHV compensation fund has not yet been taken into account. According to the Raiffeisen experts, the pension funds, on the other hand, were able to improve their financial situation.

However, Altwegg does not want to sound the all-clear. In the second pillar in particular, there is still some "homework to be done", especially after the rejection of the BVG reform.

The pension barometer is reportedly based on an online survey conducted from April 11 to 24, 2024 among around 1,000 people aged 18 to 65.