The fight against car posersFederal Council plans a ban on unnecessary car noise
16.10.2024 - 12:41
The Federal Council wants to ban unnecessary engine noise from so-called car posers. (archive picture)
Unnecessary noise from car exhausts is now to be expressly banned. This has been decided by the Federal Council. It also wants to increase the fine for the existing sanction.
16.10.2024, 12:41
16.10.2024, 13:08
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The Federal Council is planning to ban unnecessary noise from exhaust systems by including these noise emissions in the list of "noises to be avoided".
The existing penalties are also to be tightened.
In future, the fine for leaving the engine running unnecessarily is to cost CHF 80 instead of CHF 60.
The Federal Council declares war on car posers: Unnecessary noise from exhaust systems is now to be expressly prohibited. The federal government wants to include these noise emissions in the list of "noises to be avoided".
To this end, the Federal Council has updated the regulations on avoidable noise pollution accordingly, as announced on Wednesday. The amendment is part of the implementation of a motion from the National Council.
It also wants to tighten the existing sanctions and increase the fine "for leaving the engine running unnecessarily" from 60 to 80 francs. The introduction of so-called noise speed cameras, on the other hand, has been postponed. Although a pilot project in Geneva has been successful, the creation of the legal basis is "associated with challenges", it is said.