From abstinence to "sex cleansing"How the body reacts to longer sex breaks
Jenny Keller
Less sex, more intimacy? (symbolic image)
The effects of prolonged abstinence are astounding - not only on our libido, but also on our physical response. blue News shows what happens when sex is a long time coming.
01.12.2024, 22:18
02.12.2024, 10:16
Jenny Keller
No time? blue News summarizes for you
Sexual desire decreases during longer sex breaks - the body protects us from emotional lows.
After a period of abstinence, it can take time to get back into the right mood.
A conscious break from sex can help to rebuild tension in a relationship and intensify intimacy.
Studies show that men who abstain from sex for a while can increase their testosterone levels, leading to increased desire.
Muscles that have been built up for a long time are known to disappear faster than you can say "gym". Is the same true for our sex life? What happens if we don't have sex for a long time?
The Swiss magazine "Schweizer Illustrierte " reports that our libido decreases over time the longer we don't have sex. Of course, our body's reaction also depends on the person: For some, this effect only starts after months, for others after just a few weeks.
Sex suddenly seems less important, the desire for physical closeness dwindles. This is a protective function of the body - it tries to protect us from a depressive phase. If the level of suffering is not high, we are not sad about not having sex. Practical? Definitely. A bit of a shame? That too.
How the body reacts to longer breaks
And what happens when someone exciting suddenly turns up again after a dry spell? The body may need some time to get used to it.
Due to the longer abstinence, the mucous membranes are often less moisturized, which can lead to unpleasant or even painful sensations the first time after a longer break. In such cases, the risk of minor injuries also increases.
In these moments, it is particularly important to have a good gut feeling, pay attention to infection protection and use lubricant to have a relaxed experience again. And as with sport, the best way to get back into shape is to simply start again.
New intimacy with abstinence
Apart from that, a conscious break from sex can also have advantages. There are couples who use "sex cleansing", a kind of detox for the relationship. The idea behind this is to mutually agree to take a break from sex in order to feel intimacy again and rebuild tension.
A few weeks is good, a month is better. It's not about giving up affection completely - intimacy should continue. The important thing is to take time to talk about your desires, preferences and fantasies.
This creates new impulses and deeper bonds. Chastity therefore definitely leads to new "fireworks" of attraction.
The advantages of abstinence
Sometimes sex becomes a predictable routine. A conscious "detox" can help to bring new energy and passion back into your love life.
Interestingly, a study from China shows that abstaining from ejaculation in men over a certain period of time increases testosterone levels - the hormone that is largely responsible for sexual desire. Abstinence can therefore also have physical benefits and increase desire.
Conclusion: Whether it's a dry spell or conscious "sex cleansing" - sometimes it's worth giving your sex life a break to rekindle your passion.