ItalyIce cream for tigers and monkeys in Rome's zoo
19.7.2024 - 14:14
The lemurs also get an ice cream in these temperatures. (archive picture)
When the thermometer reads around 36 degrees, the animals at Rome Zoo also enjoy an ice-cold refreshment. Some animal species such as tigers, monkeys and coatis are treated to special ice cream by their keepers.
19.07.2024, 14:14
The varieties are based entirely on the tastes and needs of the zoo's inhabitants, reported the Roman daily newspaper "Il Messaggero" on Friday.
Anyone visiting the park these days can observe how the emperor tamarins, which are among the smallest monkeys in the world, eagerly lick fruit ice cream. Fruit icicles were served to the lemurs and tigers were given frozen meat. The zoo in the Villa Borghese city park is home to 1200 animals, including reptiles, mammals and birds.
For the summer, the park's nutritionists prescribe a diet with smaller portions for all carnivores than in winter. Grapes, mangoes and bananas are frozen in orange juice for the monkeys' sundaes. The Asian elephant Sofia is regularly sprayed with a shower and enjoys the water basin in her enclosure.