Late Night USAJon Stewart's wild ride across the Middle East ends with ... Trump
Philipp Dahm
Yes, Donald Trump also appears in this story, but only at the end. And nothing and nobody reveals whether it will be in a negative context. Not even Jon Stewart. That's the man on the right.
YouTube/The Daily Show
Jon Stewart takes the audience of the "Daily Show" on a wild ride in which the late-night legend begins with criticism of Israel's government, criticizes US arms supplies - and ends with anti-Semitism.
24.09.2024, 20:03
26.09.2024, 08:55
Philipp Dahm
No time? blue News summarizes for you
Jon Stewart criticizes the war in the Middle East and in particular the phrase "de-escalation through escalation" on the "Daily Show".
The Jewish late-night host also criticizes Washington for supplying weapons without knowing about their use.
While criticism of the war or of Prime Minister Netanyahu is rejected on US TV, many Israelis object in no uncertain terms.
The presenter has his very own answer to the argument that such criticism promotes anti-Semitism.
"What if you really want to experience the full cognitive dissonance and linguistic gymnastics," Jon Stewart begins on the "Daily Show", "that must be applied to describe what's been going on in the Middle East for the last 5, 6 ... I don't know, 10,000 years?"
It is not easy to talk about what is happening in Israel and its neighboring countries, muses the Jewish New Yorker and after 29 seconds shows a CNN clip with the Israeli analyst Barak Ravid.
"What the Israeli government is saying - and the Biden administration has supported this idea in many ways -" Ravid explains, "is 'de-escalation through escalation'."
Jon Stewart looks, ...
De-escalation through ... Escalation? Jon Stewart is skeptical. On the left in the picture: CNN man Barak Ravid.
YouTube/The Daily Show
... pretends to take notes and says: "Or - as they sometimes call it - 'war'!" Stewart is on a roll: "Do you ever listen to yourselves? De-escalation through escalation, where have I heard that before?"
De-escalation through escalation
The 61-year-old rummages under the table and pulls out a copy of George Orwell's dystopia "1984". "No, it's not in there," he says, rummages around again and picks up Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse 5 or The Children's Crusade". "No, it's not in that," he says again, and the game starts all over again, but this time ends with "Garfield - Fat Cat 3-Pack".
John Stewart laughs his way into escaping reality: "Oh, John, that cat has thrown your bachelor life into chaos!"
YouTube/The Daily Show
"But here's the worst part," Stewart turns serious. "The country that's supplying the Middle East with all the bombs - although I guess we have to call the bombs escalators now - seems to have no idea when those bombs are being used."
In the clip from minute 2:26, a White House spokeswoman states: "We were not informed by the Israelis of their attack or its target." Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterates: "This is not something we were aware of or involved in." And: "The United States knew nothing about these incidents."
A juicy line
"They're not telling you anything, are they?" asks Stewart heretically, "Have you checked your pagers?" The allusion is, of course, to the intelligence operation against Hezbollah forces with exploding communications equipment that killed hundreds and injured thousands.
Stewart puffs out his cheeks after the acerbic pager slogan.
YouTube/The Daily Show
"My God," the late-night legend continues, "there must be other ways to achieve de-escalation besides this 'respectful exchange of rockets'." There have been such possibilities, but Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu seems to have no interest in them.
"Oh my God," Stewart clutches his mouth in mock horror, "I criticized Netanyahu. What have I done?" The clip from minute 3:19 shows what the presenter is alluding to: A TV commentator brands criticism of Netanyahu and the war as "disgraceful". Another says that such criticism pleases Hamas.
What kind of anti-Semite is Israel's former prime minister?
"You know who might be surprised to hear that?" asks Stewart. "The Israelis who are incredibly critical of the war and of Netanyahu." In the clip from minute 4:29, heads from Israel have their say, denouncing the government and stating that Netanyahu is doing everything he can to prevent peace.
Late Night USA - Understanding America
blue News
50 states, 330 million people and even more opinions: How is one supposed to "understand America"? If you want to keep an overview without running aground, you need a beacon. The late-night stars offer one of the best navigational aids: They are the perfect pilots, relentlessly naming the shoals of the country and its people, and serve our author Philipp Dahm as a comic compass for the state of the American soul.
"What kind of anti-Semites are the former Prime Minister of Israel and the Secretary of Defense," the host exclaims. "And yet people will watch this segment and say, 'Okay, Israel may not be perfect, but criticizing it pours fuel on the fire. Aren't you worried about anti-Semitism?"
But he would deny that: "I think anti-Semitism will be fine," Stewart festers. "It's very resilient in my experience. It's also not really tied to any event or war or activity or reality. For God's sake: Kanye [West] thought we messed up his Adidas deal. We didn't. We just need insoles, that's all."
"Anti-Semitism will survive the war"
The 23-time Emmy winner continues with the finale: "Anti-Semitism will survive the war - just as it has survived all wars since the brave Hebrews of Masada." Now the camera changes, Stewart leans into the picture and says confidentially: "You see, Rabbi? I paid very close attention in Sunday school."
A word, Rabbi! The term "Sunday school" should not be taken literally in this context.
YouTube/The Daily Show
"You know what?" the lecture ends, "maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the accusations about the plague, the Spanish Inquisition or Jewish space lasers will stop when Israel gets it right and peace reigns. People will no longer gratuitously and conveniently blame the Jews when things don't go exactly as they'd like."
Then follows this excerpt:
Trump tells a Jewish group the Jews will be to blame if he loses: "I will put it to you very simply and gently: I really haven't been treated right, but you haven't been treated right because you're putting yourself in great danger."