Failure of Estlink2 power lineKilometre-long drag mark discovered on the seabed
29.12.2024 - 20:20
Under suspicion of sabotage: the tanker "Eagle S".
Bild: dpa
Did a cargo ship damage the Estlink2 power line in the Baltic Sea? Investigators in Finland have been holding a tanker for several days. Now they give an update.
29.12.2024, 20:20
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Following the failure of an underwater power line in the Baltic Sea, Finnish investigators have detected a suspicious drag mark on the seabed.
The stranded oil tanker "Eagle S" may have dragged its anchor along the bottom to damage the cable.
The ship sails under the Cook Islands flag and, according to the EU, belongs to the so-called Russian shadow fleet.
Following the failure of an underwater power line in the Baltic Sea, Finnish investigators have discovered a suspicious drag mark on the seabed. "The trail is dozens of kilometers long," said investigator Sami Paila.
It is suspected that the oil tanker "Eagle S", which was detained by the Finnish authorities, dragged its anchor along the bottom in order to damage the cable.
The ship sails under the flag of the Cook Islands and, according to the EU, belongs to the so-called Russian shadow fleet. This refers to tankers and other cargo ships that Russia uses to circumvent sanctions, for example in the transportation of oil.
According to the police, investigators on board are carrying out technical investigations and questioning the crew. Bad weather at sea has hampered the investigation. It has not yet been possible to locate where the anchor came loose.
At Christmas, the Estlink2 power connection between Finland and Estonia failed. Several communication cables in the Baltic Sea were also disrupted. The police emphasized that the investigation is still at an early stage.