Politics Number of cross-border commuters up by three percent in the second quarter


5.8.2024 - 10:12

The number of cross-border commuters has risen by three percent in the space of a year. (symbolic image)
The number of cross-border commuters has risen by three percent in the space of a year. (symbolic image)

The number of cross-border commuters working in Switzerland has risen by three percent in the space of a year. According to the Federal Statistical Office, around 399,000 people with a G permit were working in Switzerland at the end of June.

More than half of all cross-border commuters were resident in France (around 58%). Large proportions also lived in Italy (23%) and Germany (around 16%), as the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) reported on Monday.

Over 160,000 of these people worked in the Lake Geneva region. Almost 79,000 worked in Ticino, around 74,000 in Northwestern Switzerland and a good 37,000 in Espace Mittelland.

The FSO also noted a significant increase over the past five years. While there were 335,000 cross-border commuters in the second quarter of 2019, the number increased by almost 19% in the second quarter of 2024.