Wage round Swiss Federation of Trade Unions wants to close the wage gap by 2025


2.9.2024 - 11:00

According to the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (SGB), wages in Switzerland should rise by up to five percent in the coming year. In the picture: SGB secretariat head Daniel Lampart in front of the media in Bern.
According to the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (SGB), wages in Switzerland should rise by up to five percent in the coming year. In the picture: SGB secretariat head Daniel Lampart in front of the media in Bern.

According to the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions, wages in Switzerland should rise by up to five percent in the coming year. This corresponds to labor productivity in Switzerland plus inflation.


The wage trend in Switzerland is alarming, according to a media conference held by the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (SGB) in Bern on Monday. After years of declining real wages, there is a great need for action in terms of wage policy. Despite a good economy, real wages are lower today than in 2019, and it is unacceptable that employees are earning less and less in real terms while productivity is rising. The SGB associations are therefore calling for wage increases of up to 5 percent.

Due to the sharp rise in the cost of living and the inadequate development of wages, substantial wage increases are absolutely necessary, said Unia President Vania Alleva according to the speech text. It was "high time" for this. There is a considerable need to catch up in the public service sector, among others, she continued.