Banks Meilen district court acquits domestic worker of ex-CS boss


6.8.2024 - 16:42

A former domestic servant of ex-CS boss Tidjane Thiam had to answer for coercion at the Meilen District Court on Tuesday. (symbolic image)
A former domestic servant of ex-CS boss Tidjane Thiam had to answer for coercion at the Meilen District Court on Tuesday. (symbolic image)
Image: Keystone

The Meilen District Court acquitted a former domestic worker of former Credit Suisse CEO Tidjane Thiam on Tuesday afternoon: Her e-mail with a high demand for money was not coercion.

In the e-mail, the woman had indicated that she would make bad working conditions public - and demanded 587,000 francs to settle the dispute.

The public prosecutor deemed this to be attempted coercion. However, the Romanian woman told the court that she had no malicious intent, but wanted to end a protracted labor dispute over wage claims peacefully and out of court.

The judge justified the acquittal by stating that coercion requires the threat of a serious disadvantage. She recalled that the banker had previously received "bad press" for shadowing two top executives. It was unlikely that he would then pay a domestic worker over half a million francs just because of the possibility of bad working conditions becoming known.