Education Obwalden primary school pupils receive more German and math lessons


2.7.2024 - 08:37

In Obwalden, students in year 1 of primary school will have fewer lessons in future. Year 3 and 4 pupils, on the other hand, will receive additional lessons. (symbolic image)
In Obwalden, students in year 1 of primary school will have fewer lessons in future. Year 3 and 4 pupils, on the other hand, will receive additional lessons. (symbolic image)

In future, Obwalden schoolchildren in Years 3 and 4 will have one more lesson of German and math on their timetable. According to the government, this is intended to strengthen their knowledge and skills in these subjects.


On the other hand, the Obwalden government announced on Tuesday that pupils in Year 1 of the orientation level and in the upper school will have fewer lessons. In future, they will have one less lesson of mathematics and two less lessons of "Economy, work, household". The latter will be moved from Year 1 to Year 3 of the orientation school.

In the adjusted primary school timetable, the weekly lessons for voluntary kindergarten in the municipalities are also to be harmonized. The range is between 10 and 22 lessons per week, according to the statement.

The new timetable will apply from August 1, 2025. In order not to disadvantage individual year groups, the math lessons in the orientation school will only be adjusted once the students in the 3rd primary class, who received an additional lesson, are in the orientation school. The "gradual introduction" will therefore be completed in the 2029/2030 school year.