Cantonal Council SOSolothurn reorganizes integration and abolishes municipal employment offices
25.6.2024 - 10:18
With the amendment to the Social Act, the Solothurn parliament has decided, among other things, to abolish the municipal employment offices. These had in fact already been abolished earlier. (symbolic image)
The canton of Solothurn is reorganizing integration support for the foreign population and abolishing the municipal employment offices. On Tuesday, the cantonal parliament passed the necessary amendments to the Social Welfare Act. It rejected various proposals put forward by the SVP.
25.06.2024, 10:18
In the final vote, the cantonal council approved the amendments on "Equal opportunities, religion and integration of the foreign population" by 75 votes to 21.
The promotion of integration in the canton of Solothurn has developed significantly in recent years, the government wrote in its message.
The "start.integration" model, which is currently used in 98 of Solothurn's 106 municipalities, makes it possible to adapt measures to local needs. "Nothing will change for the 98 municipalities," said Daniel Cartier (FDP), spokesperson for the Social and Health Commission.
"Bloating the bureaucracy"
Thomas Giger (SVP), speaking on behalf of his parliamentary group, said that the changes were "paving the way" and that they would increase bureaucracy. With the rejection, the government should be given the task of bundling the amendments with other planned changes and then proposing a social law "from a single source".
"Integration is an important task", said Thomas Studer (center), his parliamentary group rejected the SVP proposals. "Migration is a reality, whether we like it or not," said Christian Ginsig (GLP). Integration must be encouraged but also demanded.
"The model is well established in the municipalities," said Councillor Susanne Schaffner (SP). It is currently also helping with the integration of Ukrainian refugees, for example when it comes to increasing the proportion of people in employment. Small municipalities could also work together with others if necessary.
With 86 yes to 10 no votes from the SVP, the abolition of the municipal employment offices and the case management office was not very controversial. Commission spokesperson Daniel Cartier (FDP) said that the regional employment agencies (RAV) had already taken over the tasks since 2021.