Cantonal elections SH15 parties want to join the Schaffhausen Cantonal Council
24.7.2024 - 12:17
15 lists have been submitted for the Schaffhausen cantonal council elections on September 22. A total of 568 candidates want to win one of the 60 seats in parliament. 354 of the 568 candidates are men, making the proportion of women just under 38 percent.
24.07.2024, 12:17
Of the 60 current cantonal councillors, 54 are running again, as the Schaffhausen State Chancellery announced on Wednesday.
The SVP is the most broadly represented party, running with five lists: SVP, Young SVP, Senior Citizens, SMEs and Agro. In addition to the main lists, the young parties are also competing alongside the Freisinnigen, Grünen and SP. Lists have also been submitted by the GLP, EDU, EVP and Mitte. Only Juso and Jungfreisinnige have not yet been represented in the cantonal council.
Compared to the last elections four years ago, there are 19 more candidates on the lists. 15 lists are only available in the Schaffhausen constituency - the Young Finns are not running in the other five constituencies. In Buchberg-Rüdlingen, only ten lists are up for election. The lists are now being checked and the election proposals will be finalized on 5 August.