Schools 47 teaching positions are still vacant in the canton of Zurich


14.8.2024 - 10:56

From Monday, over 8,200 classes in Zurich's elementary school will start the new school year. 47 of over 18,000 positions are still vacant. (archive picture)
From Monday, over 8,200 classes in Zurich's elementary school will start the new school year. 47 of over 18,000 positions are still vacant. (archive picture)

The canton of Zurich's elementary school still has 47 vacancies for teaching staff. 21 of these are for special needs teachers. A total of 8210 classes with 18,600 positions will start the school year next week.


All but four positions for classroom teachers have been filled, as announced by the Canton of Zurich's Department of Education on Wednesday. Compared to the previous year with 46 vacancies, the figures are very similar, although over 100 new classes have been added. Over 161,000 children attend elementary school across the canton, which is 1,200 more than in 2023/24.

Various measures are available to the municipalities to fill the vacancies. They can set up traineeships, adjust class sizes, increase the employment level of teachers or employ suitable people without a recognized teaching diploma, according to the press release.

The Directorate of Education is confident that the vacancies can be filled by the start of school. It cannot say how many people are working without a teaching diploma. Support services are still available for these people, including from the Zurich University of Teacher Education.