Financial budgetCity of Lucerne demands higher burden sharing from the government
13.8.2024 - 12:43
The city of Lucerne has expressed its dissatisfaction with the government's planned increase of eight million Swiss francs in infrastructure burden sharing. It is calling for more consideration to be given to its central burdens.
13.08.2024, 12:43
An increase of CHF 10.6 million in the infrastructure burden equalization, as proposed by the municipal representatives in a compromise, would have come closer to a fair solution, the city of Lucerne announced on Tuesday. According to the city, 17.7 million francs would be objectively justified. However, it is aware that this would not be politically acceptable to a majority.
The city is disappointed that the canton is the only stakeholder to insist on its position, even though it stands to benefit the most from the current partial revision of the cantonal financial equalization scheme. It emphasized that a more significant increase would have better compensated for the above-average infrastructure costs of the municipalities.
The city had already stated in the consultation that it would only agree to a system adjustment with standardization of the absorption in the resource equalization if it was accompanied by an adequate increase in the infrastructure burden equalization. This would not be achieved with the government's current message.
The Association of Lucerne Municipalities (VLG) also shares the city's opinion. It wrote in a press release on Tuesday that the proposed increase is insufficient and is calling for an increase of CHF 10.6 million. In this regard, it is hoping for the support of the cantonal parliament.
Partial revision subject to referendum
On Tuesday, the government presented its dispatch on the amendment to the Financial Budget Act. The financial equalization system is to be adjusted so that it does not become unbalanced in the event of sudden changes in tax revenue.
In order to prevent excessive growth in the equalization of resources, its growth is to be limited. In addition, all donor municipalities should be treated equally, i.e. the city of Lucerne should no longer benefit from a reduced contribution rate. To compensate for this, the infrastructure burden equalization is to be increased. The funds for the equalization of burdens should ultimately no longer be linked to the equalization of resources.
The changes are to be applied for the first time in 2026. The partial revision of the Financial Equalization Act is subject to a referendum.