Google Maps fixes error Closure of the road to the Mörlialp ski area has been removed


31.12.2024 - 13:09

View from the higher part of the Mörlialp ski area down into the valley.
View from the higher part of the Mörlialp ski area down into the valley.
Archivbild: sda

An incorrect display on Google Maps showed the access road to the Mörlialp ski area as closed. Now the incorrect display has finally been corrected following complaints from the operator and a "Blick" report.

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  • The access road to the Mörlialp ski area was shown as closed on Google Maps, although it is not.
  • All attempts to report the error to Google were unsuccessful.
  • Following a report in the "Blick" newspaper, the map service has now finally responded.

The operators of the Mörlialp ski resort in the canton of Obwalden can be pleased. Google Maps had incorrectly listed the access road to the ski resort as closed - although the approach was free and easily passable. Now the online map service has finally reacted and corrected the error.

According to Chairman of the Board of Directors Simon Furrer, the error had already existed for several years. "I expect that we will suffer losses as a result," says Furrer.

However, the Panoramastrasse has now been unblocked on Google Maps, which Furrer is relieved to see. However, the cause of the incorrect display remains unclear. Contact with Google proved difficult: "We reported the error but received no response," reports Furrer. Even the "Blick" editorial team, which reported on the incorrect display in an article, was only able to contact Google's voice robot.