On Tuesday, the second day of the September session, the St. Gallen Cantonal Council
- declared three motions urgent. These concern the consequences of a landslide in Lütisburg and questions about measures to combat the presence of the problematic chemical PFAS in the soil;
- Road financing in the canton of St. Gallen was reorganized and the calculation of motor vehicle tax was adjusted at first reading;
- Tom Frischknecht was elected as a full-time member of the cantonal court at the proposal of the SP-Greens parliamentary group;
- approved the election of the members of the Board of Directors of the Hospital Association for the term of office 2025/2028 as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Stefan Kuhn;
- discussed several proposals on the topic of financial equalization and increased the special equalization of burdens in favour of the City of St. Gallen by CHF 3.7 million per year for a limited period of four years;
- clearly rejected a motion that sought to make the residency requirement for municipal presidents more flexible;
- a popular initiative to stop the federal government's use of a reporting tool for pesticides in agriculture was passed by 80 votes to 32 with one abstention.