Mission organizationEvelyn Borer is the new President of the Board of Mission 21 in Basel
29.7.2024 - 16:09
Evelyn Borer, President of the Synod of the Swiss Protestant Reformed Church, is the new President of the Board of Mission 21 (archive photo).
Evely Borer has been elected as the new President of the Basel-based missionary organization Mission 21. The Synod President of the Swiss Protestant Church received only slightly more votes than a duo who had applied for a co-presidency, as Mission 21 announced on Monday.
29.07.2024, 16:09
29.07.2024, 16:40
Borer received 18 votes, while the duo of Claudia Hoffmann and Roland Platter received 16 votes. The elected members will take over from Johannes Blum on September 12.
The new president of the eleven-member board was elected by written ballot by the synod delegates from the continental assemblies and supporting associations.
According to its own description, the Protestant missionary organization Mission 21 is a global community of partner churches and partner organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. It is committed to "a life in dignity for all people on the basis of the Christian faith". Specifically, it focuses on sustainable development cooperation and humanitarian aid.