Municipal vote Green light for new school complex in Bern's Weissenbühl district


22.9.2024 - 15:22

Bird's eye view of the Goumoëns site in Bern's Weissenbühl district. (archive picture)
Bird's eye view of the Goumoëns site in Bern's Weissenbühl district. (archive picture)

Green light for the construction of the new Weissenbühl elementary school: the voters of the city of Bern have approved the construction loan of 78.6 million francs and the planning proposal.

The construction loan was approved by 34,437 voters, while 5,172 rejected it. The planning proposal was approved by 33,191 voters and rejected by 5,454. The turnout was 49.5 percent, as announced by the city of Bern on Sunday.

The new school complex will be built on the northern part of the Goumoëns site. The existing buildings and facilities there will be demolished. As is known, the beach volleyball center is moving to a new location in the Weyermannshaus Ost area. The double kindergarten will be integrated into the new school as a basic level.

The "Gumere-Matte", the public green space in the southern part of the site, will remain undeveloped and continue to serve as an open space for the neighborhood. The Goumoënsmatte between the Steinhölzliwald forest and Weissenbühl railroad station is named after a Bernese patrician family.

Construction work on the new school complex is set to begin in fall 2025. It is expected to take three years.