Cantonal Council SOInvestigate the role of the Solothurn government in the salary of hospital boss
4.9.2024 - 10:04
The Cantonal Council's Audit Committee (GPK) is to further investigate the employment relationship of the former CEO of Solothurn Hospitals, Martin Häusermann. (archive picture)
The events surrounding the extra payments and early retirement of the head of Solothurner Spitäler AG will be further investigated by the Cantonal Council's Audit Committee. On Wednesday, the Solothurn parliament declared an urgent motion by the FDP parliamentary group to be substantial. The Council rejected an SVP motion on the same topic.
04.09.2024, 10:04
04.09.2024, 10:26
The decision in favor of the FDP motion was unanimous. The Cantonal Council's Business Audit Committee (GPK) is tasked with examining the role of the Government Council in the supervision of Solothurner Spitäler AG (soH) and the responsibilities within the departments.
"The report should be published, unredacted," said Richard Aschberger (SVP). Melina Aletti (SP) said: "If you want to play public limited company, you have to do it properly."
Anna Engeler (Greens) spoke of a precedent that would have an impact on the entire administration. She hoped that calm would soon return. Also because the hospital employees would have to bear the brunt of the negative headlines and shitstorms.
Councillor Peter Hodel (FDP) said that the situation was also unsatisfactory for the government. It wanted to "quickly create clarity". An external investigation is already underway and will be available by the end of September. The aim is to examine management appointments over the last five years in terms of personnel law.
The GPK should examine whether additional transparency rules are needed, said Hodel. The fact that the GPK has to examine processes relating to an outsourced AG should remain an exception. "SoH remains an AG and the Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the CEO does his job." Hodel also emphasized that the government had never decided on severance pay for the CEO.
Stop salary payments
In its urgent request, the SVP demanded that the government stop the payments to the former CEO of soH. He is still drawing a salary until November. The cantonal government said that it had no legal means of directly influencing the payment of salaries in the outsourced AG. The Cantonal Council declared the SVP motion to be not material with 66 votes against and 21 votes in favor.