Government Council BSMore money for the Kaserne Basel cultural center
24.9.2024 - 15:11
The Kaserne Basel is to receive more money. (archive picture)
The Basel government is applying for annual state contributions of CHF 3.8 million for the Kaserne Basel for the years 2025 to 2028. This is CHF 149,000 more than before, as the government announced on Tuesday.
24.09.2024, 15:11
The increase is intended to compensate for staff salary increases. And ultimately, the aim is to secure the Kaserne Basel as an "attractive, trendy" cultural venue with supra-regional appeal.
The subsidies for Kaserne Basel were last increased in 2021. In the past 2023/2024 season, the Kaserne recorded an average occupancy rate of 77% with 32,000 visitors at 268 events.